Climate Change: Group engages student scientists, stages Climate Walk in Ogun


With the rising risks related to climate change in Nigeria, a group under the aegis of Scientist Rebellion have staged a ‘Climate Walk’ which engages Student Scientists, Youths and Faculty Members in Abeokuta.

The exercise which was a demonstration of the group’s advocacy for Climate change, drew participants from various locations in Ogun state.

The group who mobilized over 300 participants called on community residents to be active agents of mitigating climate change in their respective domain.

According to the Country Coodinator for Scientist Rebellion, Esther Agaja, Nigerians need to forestall the adverse effects of climate change related risks, such as high temperatures, erratic rainfall, sea level rise, flooding and drought.

She warned that with the rising rate of adverse climate conditions, Nigerians would become more vulnerable and their welfare impacted negatively.

Agaja, a climate activist and environmentalist said there was need for sustained efforts on advocacy and broad stakeholders engagement to formulate common solutions and mobilize resources and other support towards climate management in Nigeria.

She noted that scientists were instrumental in the management of climate change, urging them to be conscious of waste disposal, deforestation, bush burning, among other practices capable of igniting the risks of climate change.

She said “Climate Change Education is necessary for a global response to climate change which will help people, our students especially to understand and address the impact of climate change on our society.”

“Climate change is scary and we need to be cautious of the extreme outcomes as we are already experiencing some of its impacts. We need to start educating more people, planting more trees, reducing our carbon footprint, develop mitigation approaches as these are some of the ways we can help contain the climate change crisis.”

“Scientist Rebellion Movement would ostensibly lead to behavioral change that could help to restore life quality in our communities, contribute positively to the environment, reduce the impacts of climate change, save water, purify the air, provide renewable energy sources, erosion control, reinforce soil and prevent water pollution.”

“To actualize this, our sole aim is to mobilize scientists, and of course young people to creatively and innovatively care for the environment while preparing them as innovators, creators, and advocates of climate change.” She noted.

Other dignitaries at the event include – the Scientist Rebellion Program Manager, Ogunsola Ayooluwa Folakunmi, Lecturer in charge of Scientist Rebellion, FCE Abeokuta, Mr. Babatunde Ogundimu, Dean, Students’ Affairs, Mr Femi Akinloyè Fatokun among others.

The event also had students from the Centre for Degree Programmes (CEDEP), University of Ibadan and Federal College of Education Abeokuta


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